If you've ever thought, "I would love giving the gift of healing to other pets" than pet massage, or massage therapy could be your petpreneur avenue.
If you're living a healthy and balanced lifestyle ( or are trying :] ) how fabulous do you feel? Very fabulous right just think about how wonderful it would be to give this same life to aging animals, arthritic dogs, dogs recovering from injury and a host of other ailments. The business of touch is an open-wide boulevard that you can surely explore if your interests, talents and skills match up.
Here I quickly list some schools, expecting fee range, and getting certified.
Classes & Schools:
-->Tallgrass Certified Animal Acupressurists
-->Pet Massage.com
-->Northwest School of Animal Massage
Expecting Fee/Hour:
Just from my research I've found that certified pet massage therapists and accupressure therapists can charge anywhere from $30-$100 per hour. Your fee schedule will vary depending on your location, your experience and what services you provide. And should you venture in this service, you should also consider offering 'tag along' services and products. Such as aromatherapy goodies, special holistic treats and products.
Getting Certified:
International Association of Animal Massage & Bodywork
Make sure that if you choose this field to pursue, you double check with your state's guidelines on who may practice massage on animals, as some states only allow Veterinarians to practice massage.
Also be sure to get the appropriate insurance and bonding if necessary...and most importantly enjoy yourself and you'll find your path to petpreneur success.
Got a question or need some assistance to get started? I'm here to help...it's what I do!
(image courtesy of horseanddogmassage.com)