Each little tip and trick will be real quick, and really helpful. While you may already be trying or using some of them my hope is that you'll also find some that you haven't heard of or thought to try.
Remember in the world of your pet niche business the idea is to captivate your pet parents any way you can and gain their trust, and entice them to get to know you and your products and/or services, but they need to find you in the sea of the 'WWW'!
Here's what I'll ask from you my readers and visitors. That if you find a tip or trick you think is pretty darn cool, stupid, or neat-o Tweet It, or leave a nice little comment below. Yes I said stupid, because you know what they say, even bad banter can garner attention* :)
Soo let the Series begin!
------>Traffic Generator #1<---------
Become a Featured Expert Columnist
** Article marketing. An effective way of generating traffic to your website over time. However, a much more direct way of getting your website in front of your target market is by doing something a bit more targeted than traditional article marketing. Because you're in the animal and pet industry you need to specifically target this audience.
Two of the Big ones to put articles at are:
But a more targeted approach is seeking out other pet bloggers, industry websites and blogs. Ask to be a guest blogger, or if you can submit articles and attach your website information at the end. A good place to start is by doing a search for pet bloggers, or animal bloggers, take a look at their content and see if what you've got to share is a good match.
Don't forget tip #2 will be available next week!
Paws & Wags,
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