Hey there Bark Business readers and visitors! Thank you for stopping by to read about pet business launching resources, tips and tricks!
Friday, April 9, 2010
We've Switched to WordPress!
Hey there Bark Business readers and visitors! Thank you for stopping by to read about pet business launching resources, tips and tricks!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Your Dog is....Amazing!
As loyal pet parents we all know how truly amazing our pets are in our lives. From making you feel loved when you had a rotten day, to keeping your feet warm on a cold winter morning.
-->Launch a new relationship
-->Strengthen relationships with a lover, friends, and family
----> Create deeper and more real relationships
-->Explore what’s missing from your life and make it whole
-->Make the best of a break-up and decide who gets the dog
-->Handle jealousy and your emotions when others aren’t into your dog
Wanna Go? Details below:
Tues. March 30th 7 – 9:30 PM
Blvd, 199 Bowery at Spring St, NYC
Tickets ~ $35/person • Dogs get in FREE!
Friends of American Humane Association $30 entry with coupon code: BOOK
Party Includes:· Live Music by Toby Lightman
· Signed Leashes and Lovers book
· Raffle prizes worth $$$
· Dog Stunts by Atka, the Amazing Eskie, with Thy Cavagnaro
· Canine Catwalk Parade* $5/dog
Your dog’s 15 Seconds of Fame! Dress your dog to the K-Nine’s· A welcome of The American Humane Association
· Goodie bags for first 300 guests
· PRIVATE mingling with dogs/dog lovers in 6 rooms
Raffle prizes include dog treats, jewelry, training books, party baskets, and more!
Party proceeds to help benefit The American Humane Association advocates for both animals and children who believe in the power of the human-animal bond.
Wed. March 31 – Order the book that day and be eligible for bonus gifts and prizes!
Prizes include: website creation, jewelry, dog bed, collars, a shopping spree, coaching, and more!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Traffic Generator... A Series*
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Let's Co-Op and Grooow!
Not only did it prove to be very successful for those involved, but it was fun to boot. If you missed the concept let's review real quick:
**Petpreneur #1*** Verde Tree Organics -You're an organic pet bakery shop. You just opened up shop 6 months ago and while you're pluggin along and gaining a loyal pet parent following you'd like to expand and gain some online exposure as well.
**Petpreneur #2*** Shelby's Sweet Sweaters - You're a handcrafted pet sweater business owner. You've been in business for over 3 years and have never ventured to gain customers outside of your home town. Now you'd like to gain a following in neighboring cities.
Both business owners have business cards, or cute hand out cards that they give to all of their customers and parents. They meet at a local dog park one day and discover their common business ownership.
They decide to swap their creative cards with one another and hand them out to each others customers upon sales or generated interest.
**BINGO** new connections have been made and the potential to new business is organically fostered!
It makes perfect marvelous sense and it's a win/win situation for everyone. You share a product or service you believe in, have used or endorse and your customers grow even more fond of you and the trust factor is raised that much more.
Want to know how to get started? It's a snap and I'd love to show you just in case you need some assistance! A quick email or two should do it!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Are you the Splurge or Bargain??
cost. Be sure to emphasize what your service or products will do for them. Will it save time, money in the long run, or give a better overall standard of life for their pets? Make sure you point out every possible feature. Anyone purchasing anything that needs thought to decide wants to know that what they're buying will be worth it say 2 months from now. Will yours be? Think of how the features will keep on givin' so to speak.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Do you have the bounce?
So if you're a petpreneur or you're thinking of launching a business designed around your passion of animals or your pet, there are some traits that you may or may not be aware that you need.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Spreading Your Word...
You know that getting the word out about you, your business or service is really important right? But what if you could take a unique approach to doing so while getting an organic endorsement at the same time? What am I talking about you ask?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Goodies for your Sweetie!
I love love love finding goodness to share with my readers and visitors, it's like I get to go virtual window shopping and scavenger hunting except the goodies are fabulous. (don't forget if you have a unique, fabulous, organic or just plain kool-aid goody you want to share with our readers shoot me an email barkbusiness at yahoo dot com, I'd love to feature you!)
-->Skeledog Tee's
I love it when a tee can express a love for your pup without being obnoxious. Enter Skeledog tees. They've got lots of breeds to choose from and they're so totally original. All the pet parents will be oogling your Skeledog Tee.
-->Botique of Paws
I love it when I find something that is handmade and just pretty! Enter Boutique of Paws completely handmade sweaters for your little cupcake.
-->Wrigley's Rewards
Have you been hunting down some certified organic doggie treats to try? Why not give Wrigley's Rewards a try. Full of healthy beneficial goodness Wrigley's take great measures to make sure their treats are good for your dog, which everyone feel just that much better
-->Perfectly Pampered Pets
And finally, what if you could build your own perfect gift basket? Cool right? Bring in Perfectly Pampered Pets. They have some of the cutest basket ideas here. You can pick and choose what your lovely will like.
$ depends on your selection.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sell, Sell, Sell, Free!
So you have a website you're all ready to go and now you need to be able to have a true 24/7 shop?You need a shopping cart, and you need it to be easy to use and you would like it to be free or nearly free.
Can your customers find you?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Pet Niche Business Idea #4 - Massage Therapy and Accupressure
If you've ever thought, "I would love giving the gift of healing to other pets" than pet massage, or massage therapy could be your petpreneur avenue.
If you're living a healthy and balanced lifestyle ( or are trying :] ) how fabulous do you feel? Very fabulous right just think about how wonderful it would be to give this same life to aging animals, arthritic dogs, dogs recovering from injury and a host of other ailments. The business of touch is an open-wide boulevard that you can surely explore if your interests, talents and skills match up.
Here I quickly list some schools, expecting fee range, and getting certified.
Classes & Schools:
-->Tallgrass Certified Animal Acupressurists
-->Pet Massage.com
-->Northwest School of Animal Massage
Expecting Fee/Hour:
Just from my research I've found that certified pet massage therapists and accupressure therapists can charge anywhere from $30-$100 per hour. Your fee schedule will vary depending on your location, your experience and what services you provide. And should you venture in this service, you should also consider offering 'tag along' services and products. Such as aromatherapy goodies, special holistic treats and products.
Getting Certified:
International Association of Animal Massage & Bodywork
Make sure that if you choose this field to pursue, you double check with your state's guidelines on who may practice massage on animals, as some states only allow Veterinarians to practice massage.
Also be sure to get the appropriate insurance and bonding if necessary...and most importantly enjoy yourself and you'll find your path to petpreneur success.
Got a question or need some assistance to get started? I'm here to help...it's what I do!
(image courtesy of horseanddogmassage.com)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Keep your biggest fans...Ecstatic!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Marketing 1...2...Punch!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Are you doing what you love, love, love?
Well if only it were that simple and easy right? For some of us the journey to bliss-dom is one that is taking years and years. While I truly believe it doesn't matter when you get there, but that you just get there, the time in between can seem like eternity.
Not to fear because I think I may have a few suggestions to really do what you love. Ready? Let's Begin:
1) Grab some paper and a pen, jot down things that when you do them you're truly, honestly happy. You know that thing you do...and when you think of it later...you smile widely? Yeah that thing, and when you think of it again and again you think...I'd even do that if I wasn't being paid for it. There may be several 'things' so write them all down.
2) Now think of things that friends, family and people who you're around say 'hey you know you're good at that'. Now be aware that you may be good at some of these things but you may not enjoy doing them often, or at all, but they're important so make notes.
3) Go and look around you. Are there people doing something that you'd like to do or something similar? Find out more about them and what they do, find out if you can do something like they are or even volunteer to work with them to get some knowledge or a foot in.
These are just a few things you can do to be on your way to doing something that you truly love! And if you're here, most likely it's pet related, or animal related.
Which is fabulous because you're in great company. The pet industry is a great place to set up shop, because the 'customers' are some of the best people on the planet.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Lights, Camera, Woof!
By now you may have either fallen into one of a few different categories when it comes to video and marketing:
You've either
A: watched a few YouTube videos and thought hmm pretty cool
B: watched a few YouTube videos and thought, this could work for me to increase website traffic
or maybe C: made a few YouTube videos, uploaded some, and sat back and waited for traffic to come parading in....
Well if you've found yourself in any one of those categories you my pet friendly friends are on the right track. According to the Web Video Marketing Council, video marketing will increase in popularity, and demand has skyrocketed for professional yet cost-effective video to maximize engagement.
It's the next wave of social involvement and interaction, it's what you should be doing, thinking of doing, or hiring someone to assist you with in 2010. And good news it's not gonna cost you thousands of dollars if you're looking for help here.
Heck if you do a viral one yourself, it'll only cost you time and energy to make, edit and upload that baby. And of course the cost of a camcorder if you don't already own one, but you're once again in luck because quality video recorders can be found for under $100!
When done right a well-done viral pet business video can do many things, very well for you.
It can showcase who you are
It can announce new products, services, or sales
It can potentially increase your website traffic, and active links
It can increase sales
It can increase your subscriber list
And the list could go on and on...if...done right!
But let's not get hung up on spending tons of cash to get a video out there and working for you, because in all honesty some of the best videos with the most views are the grainiest, craziest, non-pro looking videos around.
So what should you do now? Well assess what you'd like to get out of starting a video marketing campaign. Jot down your goals and the outcomes, and how you plan to achieve them with videos.
Have Fun and let who you are shine, while spotlighting yourself with your furry campanions! :)